Sunday, May 20, 2012

Nannochloropsis sp. alginate beads

14 May 2012
 Location:TEXCHEM Lab

                          Preparation of Nannochloropsis sp. alginate beads

3 % sodium alginate and the nannochloropsis sp. was added into a 100 ml beaker with constant stirring until the viscous mixture is totally mixed to give a consistent colour. The mixture was then aspirated into a 10 ml syringe, which was clamped. A 250 ml beaker filled with 2 % calcium chloride solution was placed under the syringe. The mixture was allowed to drip drop by drop into the calcium chloride solution from a height of about 10 cm. The beads were allowed to stand in the calcium chloride solution for about 15 min so as to allow them to harden. The beads were then removed by straining through a tea strainer. The beads were washed with water and irregular shaped beads and those with trapped air bubbles were removed. The beads were then transferred into another clamped 10 ml syringe to about the 10 ml marking. 

                                   Chemical: 1.calcium chloride,2.Sodium alginate

                                   Algae paste: Nannochloropsis sp. paste


                                   End product: Nannochloropsis sp. Alginate beads



  1. is it % for both of the sodium alginate and nannochloropsis sp. are same? thank you

  2. I love the way you write and share your niche! Very interesting and different! Keep it coming!alginate impression material
